
Lebanon Lotto Statistics

Don't know what numbers to play? Want to know what the most common number is?

All these questions, and more, can be answered here.

اللوتو اللبناني و اليانصيب اللبناني و اليومية

Number Frequency

This reporting tool tells you when the Lotto number was last seen by date, number of draws and calendar days.

Jackpots Won

Which Lotto draw had the highest amount of winning and when was it? Was it last draw? or long ago? This tool will tell you.

Number Combination

This reporting tool helps you find your favorite numbers' combination (up to 4 numbers) and report it back to you as last seen by date.

Consecutive Pairs

Finding the most common Consecutive pair of numbers drawn in a lottery draw is one of the most basic but important tools you’ll ever use.

Consecutive Triplets

Finding the most common Consecutive Triplets of numbers drawn in a lottery draw is one of the most basic but important tools you’ll ever use.

Consecutive Quad

Finding the most common Consecutive quadruplets (15-16-17-18) drawn in a lottery draw, althought it has a very rare occurrence.

Frequent Pairs

Finding the most common pair of numbers drawn in a lottery draw is one of the most basic but important tools you’ll ever use.

Skip And Hit

This tool analyses the average distance between when a ball was last drawn (hit) and when the same ball was not (skip).

Sum of Numbers

By adding up the values of the balls in each draw, the most common values (sum of numbers) can be counted up, and compared.

Odd Versus Even

This tool highlights every possible combination of odd and even numbers and how many times that combination of odd and even numbers has been drawn.

Same Unit Number

Do you like to play same last digits, such as (3-13) or (23-33) or (4-44) or (15-35)? With this tool you can find same set of numbers, and if they ever drawn.

Monday Or Thursday

Which week day had the highest possibility of winning? is there any difference between the days, or they share equal possibility? Monday or Thursday?

Follow The Pattern

Pattern betting is very popular method of marking bet slips. Patterns of numbers marked in a row to make a straight line, either across the bet slip vertically or diagonally get heavy play which means sharing the prize with others.

Lebanon Lotto Results,

Latest Lotto Draw: 2292

Date: Feb 27, 2025

Jackpt: ~ $29,333,000

Lebanon Yanassib Results,

Latest Yanassib Draw: 4

Date: Mar 23, 2023

Jackpt: ~ $133,000

Lebanon Yawmiyeh Results,

Latest Yawmiyeh Draw: 1515

Date: Mar 03, 2025

Jackpt: ~

Play Lebanon Lotto, Buy The Loto, Check the Results, Win The Draw.

What we do?

  • We give out Lebanese lottery Results, including lotto, yanassib and yawmiyeh
  • We have professional statistics to help users enjoy the games
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Did you play Lebanon Loto today?

Lebanon Lotto

  • The Lebanese LOTO was re-launched in September 2002 with a new logo, the famous 'smiley face', which has become familiar to all Lebanese.
  • The logo reminds everyone that each moment of luck makes you smile! LOTO is a distribution game where the winnings vary according to the number of players and the size of the jackpot. It is based on number selection.
  • When the LOTO was first re-launched, there was one draw a week, but due to it's dazzling success, it was altered to 2 draws a week as of February 2003.
  • The draws take place live on LBC every Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm, under the supervision of a government representative. With each draw, 6 lucky numbers and one complementary number are drawn out of the 42 balls.

Lebanon Yanassib

  • للعب اليانصيب ، اختار ورقة من مراكز بيع الليانصيب لتدخل في السحب . تعقد رسومات اليانصيب مرة في الأسبوع يوم الخميس الساعة الخامسة والنصف على شاشة تلفزيون لبنان. الجائزة الكبرى 200000000 ل.ل.

Lebanon Yawmiyeh

  • How to play Yawmiyeh, The Rules?
  • Yawmiyeh, New lottery game from La Libanaise des Jeux
  • Select the game you want to play; Yawmiyeh 3, Yawmiyeh 4 or Yawmiyeh 5
  • Select your numbers from 0 to 9, choosing a number from each row; 3 numbers for Yawmiyeh 3, 4 numbers for Yawmiyeh 4, and 5 numbers for Yawmiyeh 5
  • Choose an amount from 500LL to 3000LL
  • Choose how you woiuld like to play 7AYALLA or BEDDOR
  • If you chose 7AYALLA and your numbers turn out to be 7AYALLA you will win
  • If you chose BEDDOR and your numbers turn out to be BEDDOR your prize will be bigger

About Lebanese Lotto

  • YAWMIYEH, why not Play Lebanon 's new Loto Game?
  • Yawmiyeh, the new daily draw game from La Libanaise des Jeux.Your chance to win everyday. Yawmiyeh offers a simple mechanism with a high probability of winning. The player must first choose between Yawmiyeh 3, Yawmiyeh 4 or Yawmiyeh 5.
  • Following which a number between 0 and 9 must be selected from each of the rows. Next,submit an amount from 500 to 3,000LBP while selecting the "Beddor" or "7ayalla" option. Finally, the prize is pre-determined based on the amount of correct numbers achieved, therefore, the prize won't be divided on the number of winners. The highest prize being 120 million LBP.
  • Similarly to Loto, "Yawmiyeh" will include daily draws that are performed under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance with the highest level of transparency; set to be aired live on LBCI every day, Monday through Friday starting the 18th of January, 2016.
  • Love And Play Lebanon loto
  • Lebanon is famous for its exquisite beauty, diversity, glamour, European flavor, and hospitable people. Its rich culture and history have placed it on the 'must see' list of every world traveler. Lebanese cities are among the most famous names in ancient history and majestic ruins still stand today as a testimony to the greatness of people who lived in this land.
  • The nature of Lebanon makes it the only country in the Arab world that embraces four seasons yearly. No matter what the season, there is always something special to enjoy. In the winter season, ski resorts offer tourists slopes that are comparable to even the best resorts in Europe. In the summer, international festivals all over the country ' in Baalbek, Byblos, Beiteddine, Batroun, and Jounieh ' bring together Lebanese and foreign artists to perform in stunning archaeological and historical sites. These events have given Lebanon an enviable place on the cultural map of the Middle East.
  • Play Lebanon loto
  • Lebanon is famous for its lottery system Lebanon Loto, operated by La Libanaise Des Jeux Official (lldj) and Play Lebanon. Lebanon-lotto.com advise you to play loto responsibly. The Lebanese loto 6/42 game was re-launched in September 2002. To Play Lebanon Lotto, choose 6 numbers from 1-42 of the loto numbers. The 6 loto numbers plus a bonus number are drawn to increase the prize categories. Loto drawings are held twice a week on Monday and Thursday. The odds of winning the lebanese loto first prize lottery jackpot by are one in 5,245,786. There are 5 ways to win Lebanon loto, and a prize is offered for atching just 3 lucky numbers.
  • The Lebanese lebanon loto was re-launched in September 2002 with a new loto logo, the famous 'loto smiley face', which has become familiar to all Lebanese.The loto logo reminds everyone that each moment of luck makes you smile! LOTO is a distribution game where the winnings vary according to the number of players and the size of the jackpot. It is based on number selection.
  • When the LOTO was first re-launched, there was one draw a week, but due to it's dazzling success, it was altered to 2 draws a week as of February 2003. The draws take place live on LBC every Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm, under the supervision of a government representative. With each draw, 6 lucky numbers and one complementary number are drawn out of the 42 loto balls.
  • LEBANON-LOTTO.COM provides a wealth of statistical information, gathered by a team of highly skilled experts, for people who have an interest in lottery statistics and probability. This unique website provides in-depth numerical data for Lebanese Lotto.
  • To provide the most up-to-date and accurate lotto statistics, the numerical information on LEBANON-LOTTO.COM is updated within minutes of the different lottery draws taking place and is thoroughly checked. To view information for a lottery, simply choose the option you like from below including the most common numbers, consecutive number patterns, distribution of odds versus evens and bell curve statistics.
  • These pages shows you which LEBANON LOTTO have been picked the most and least times on a Monday and Thursday evenings. You can see which are the most common and least common LEBANON LOTTO winning numbers to drop out of the machine.
  • Play responsibly!
  • Never play more than you can afford to lose!
  • Do not forget: Your chances of winning are significantly smaller than your chances to lose. Play responsibly.
  • And Good Luck!
  • Whenever you want,wherever you are, enjoy the great benefits of playing online...
  • We are not The exclusive official agent for online purchase of Lebanese Lotto and Lottery, Play Lebanon is the exclusive official agent for online purchase of Lebanese Lotto and Lottery.