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The way get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

- Walt Disney

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10 Random Quotes:

You only lose when you give up.

- Unkown Writer

What if all your problems could be solved by one tiny idea? the answer is within pay attention and listen.

- Unkown Writer

Sometimes the lesson is in asking the question, not in finding the answer.

- Unkown Writer

I appreciate the people who don't give up on me.

- Unkown Writer

If you have never failed you have never lived.

- Unkown Writer

Don't worry about what others think. Most people are always negative, don't let it bother you.

- Unkown Writer

A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions–as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Choose to love with all your heart, even if it sometimes breaks.

- Unkown Writer

the more you worry, the less you dream. Choose to dream.

- Unkown Writer

Your taking a deep breath doesn't diminish my air supply any more than your success prevents mine. We are abundance.

- Unkown Writer

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